historic and heritage properties

Historic and heritage properties

Restoring the vibrancy of old-world fireplaces

Reigniting the heart of historic sites

When working on historic or heritage properties, realising design aspirations can be challenging, especially when it comes to flame. With the Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation range of flame effects, you can easily bring back the exciting visual experience of a bygone age.

Designed to perfectly mimic real flame, our electric flame technology brings back a sense of warmth, comfort and belonging and enables you to restore hearths and fireplaces to their former glory.


Explore the benefits

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Low maintenance,
cost-effective operation


Electric flame is efficient, with minimal upkeep needed. It is ideal for historic buildings as no chimneys or working flues are required

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Ease of use
and installation


Our products are easy to understand and operate and, depending on the technology selected, can be remote controlled

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Environmentally friendly
and energy efficient


With no fumes or dust given off, this technology is energy efficient and has minimal impact on the surrounding environment

Why electric flame?

Heritage sites are proof of our country’s rich historic value and as such need to be conserved for future generations. We recognise that there is a raft of legislation and red tape surrounding construction projects for historic and listed buildings. But how do you balance these important rules with efficient, effective restoration? Our range of electric flame products provide the perfect solution to restoring the hearths of heritage buildings. Energy efficient, easy to install, and with no impact on the environment, Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation has a solution that will meet the needs of your restoration project.

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Optimyst uses ultrasonic technology to create the world’s most realistic electric flame effect with an ultra-fine water mist that delivers the convincing illusion of flame and smoke. The Optimyst is incredibly versatile and using our technology you can create bespoke solutions which perfectly match the style, taste and requirements of individual projects.



The Opti-V uses HD TV technology to create an ultra-realistic flickering flame with 3D LED logs that sporadically spark and create an incredibly authentic flame effect. This can be enjoyed regardless of time or location as heat is optional , and the environment remains comfortable. They are safe, risk free , and can be specified according to individual project requirements.



Optiflame produces a convincing 2D flame effect, springing from a deep flame bed. The range includes multiple design options that complement both traditional and modern spaces .



The Valor and Faber gas ranges from Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation offer efficiency, safety and style in one package. Our solutions provide the perfect balance of practicality and style.

Overcome fireplace design challenges

Electric flame technology eliminates the need for a chimney or working flue, making it the ideal solution to bring ambience and authenticity back to heritage and historic buildings. The solutions can be easily fitted into existing infrastructure with little or no adjustments required to existing buildings.

Regulatory compliance

All of our electric flame solutions comply with the following regulations and can be developed to meet other specific legislation:

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BS 7671

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Ecodesign compliance

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British Electrotechnical Approvals Board (BEAB) certified

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IP Rating / EN 60529

Technology in action

Glastonbury Abbey

The Abbot’s Kitchen, part of the great ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, is a firm attraction for visitors. Restored to its former glory, the kitchen features a large cooking fireplace and is one of the best preserved in Europe. Due to its location and health and safety issues, an innovative solution was needed to make the Abbot’s Kitchen as realistic and believable as possible.

Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation worked with the Abbey staff to design and install five Optimyst fires in the kitchen, making the medieval experience a believable and engaging one.

“We are delighted with the fires; they are practical, safe and incredibly realistic – many of our visitors can’t believe that they are not real flames!”

Janet Bell, Abbey Director

Glastonbury abbey