

Light the way to wellness

Fostering welcoming, safe spaces with flame

The sight of an open fire is acknowledged to have a positive psychological impact on the human brain, helping to lower blood pressure and improving levels of comfort and satisfaction. Such impacts are ideal in any healthcare setting, where stress levels can be high for patients, staff and visitors alike.

But real flame is challenging to use in these applications due to health and safety regulations and practicality concerns. This is where electric flame technology really adds value.


Explore the benefits

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Safe and


Ideal for use in healthcare environments, electric flame is safer, more efficient option in bringing comfort and relaxation to patients and residents. With no open flame and optional heat on many models, safety is a primary benefit

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Ease of use
and installation


The technology is easy to install and use, which makes it perfect for use in busy environments where automatic operation is crucial. In addition, no chimney or working flue is needed so units can be installed anywhere

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Low maintenance, cost-effective operation 


Our products are easy to maintain, with no specialist knowledge or after-sales care required

Our solutions

In the healthcare environment, whether it’s a hospital waiting room, care home living room or clinic reception hall, relaxing patients and focusing on their care is paramount. What better way to do that than with a calming and mesmerising flame effect fire, helping to reduce stress and transform the space into a serene environment.

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Optimyst uses ultrasonic technology to create the world’s most realistic electric flame effect with an ultra-fine water mist that delivers the convincing illusion of flame and smoke. The Optimyst is incredibly versatile and using our technology you can create bespoke solutions which perfectly match the style, taste and requirements of individual projects.



The Opti-V uses HD TV technology to create an ultra-realistic flickering flame with 3D LED logs that sporadically spark and create an incredibly authentic flame effect. This can be enjoyed regardless of time or location as heat is optional , and the environment remains comfortable. They are safe, risk free , and can be specified according to individual project requirements.



Optiflame produces a convincing 2D flame effect, springing from a deep flame bed. The range includes multiple design options that complement both traditional and modern spaces .



The Valor and Faber gas ranges from Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation offer efficiency, safety and style in one package. Our solutions provide the perfect balance of practicality and style.

Taking care with flame

The range of innovative solutions from Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation perfectly mimics flame, including smoke and sound effects on some of our products, and promotes feelings of wellbeing and relaxation in an efficient and effective way. Not only can we help in choosing the right technology for your project, but our products can be developed to meet a range of regulatory requirements other than our standard design specifications.

Regulatory compliance

All of our electric flame solutions comply with the following regulations and can be developed to meet other specific legislation:

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BS 7671

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Ecodesign compliance

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British Electrotechnical Approvals Board (BEAB) certified

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IP Rating / EN 60529